Velvet Ant Beauty is a beauty brand that caters to the modern woman who encompasses class, beauty, and self love. Whether you love our bold and flirty lip colors, the shimmer of our high lights, or any other of our glamorous products; you’ll be sure to start and end your day looking your best you!

Velvet Ant Beauty wants every woman from the housewife to the corporate boss to be able to exude class and confidence with the right shade of red lips. Red lipstick has held a long reputation of being too risky, or for ladies of the night only. The taboos surrounding this sensual and very charming color could be called laughable.

I would like to believe there is a boldness hidden inside of every woman that wants to be recognized. She has been hidden for far too long. How bold are you? Are you willing to find that perfect shade of red lip color that fits the daring and courageous woman inside? What would happen if you set her free? It would be Velvet Ant Beauty’s pleasure to escort your inner diva into reality.

We at Velvet Ant Beauty would like to extend the invitation for you TAKE YOUR MASK OFF AND SHOW THOSE LIPS!

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